Frank Geels is Professor of System Innovation and Sustainability at the Sustainable Consumption Institute, which is an inter-departmental institute at The University of Manchester. Geels held a presentation at University of Oslo (UiO) about dynamics and strategic implications of system innovation and sustainability transitions 18th of February. He talked about empirical evidence that shows that sustainability as a new strategic discourse has started, but also presented different strategic dilemmas related to the transition. Several of the SusValueWaste-team participated at the seminar which is part of the celebration of Institute of Sociology and Human Geography’s (University of Oslo) 20 years anniversary.
Geels also participated at the Future Earth Norway‘s breakfast seminar on the 19. of February; Towards a low-carbon society: What does it take to transform?
The UiO presentation about System Innovation and Sustainability Transitions is available as PPT-slides with Geels’ voice over and the video of the breakfast seminar is available for your convenience.
Photo: Frank Geels, Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester