SusValueWaste’s Annual Meeting 2017

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SusValueWaste’s annual meeting for 2017 took place in Fredrikstad on August 29.-30, the home city of the project partner Østfoldforskning. Over the two days, where about 25 researchers from the project team and reference group participated, we discussed papers in progress, reports, new paper ideas and upcoming dissemination activities. We were also given a guided tour at Borregaard Industries, went on an industrial sightseeing on a biogas-bus in the Fredrikstad/Sarpsborg area, and had the pleasure to visit charming Sandbrekke Gjestegaard at Hvaler for a social gathering in the evening on the 29th of August.

Papers in progress

The project is now about midways in its four-years period and after having presented first results as conference papers and having already published a number of scientific articles, there are several scientific papers in the pipeline. Many of our researchers have been out in “the field” interviewing case studies from sectors such as dairy, slaughterhouse, brewery, urban organic waste and other parts of the bioeconomy. The entry point of these studies is the cases’ handeling of rest-resources from their production, but the papers take different departures due to various theoretical groundings and interesting findings. The papers range in topics from firms’ dynamic capabilities in sustainability transitions, to regulations’ impacts on innovation in the slaughter house sector. The papers will be of interest both for the research community, industry actors and policy makers.

Delivery of reports

SusValueWaste will also deliver different reports and the status of these were presented at the meeting. Among them is the project’s foresight-process addressing possible future pathways in the bioeconomy. Another part of the project, the industry survey targeting companies’ activities related to utilisation of residues. Both reports will soon be made available at this webpage.

Outreach of the project

At the meeting, we started planning how to best organise arenas for sharing our findings and discussing with relevant actors. SusValueWaste wants to enable dialogue with various stakeholders in the bioeconomy, such as industry actors and policy makers, and discuss the practical implications of the project’s acquired knowledge. In addition to activities such as seminars and workshops, the project is also planning to publish a scientific book where selected findings and insights from the project will be presented.

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