Work packages

The project will be organised in five main work packages (WPs). The different WPs will focus on the bioeconomy from different angels. WP2 and WP3 will study industrial capabilities; WP2 and WP4, technology and sustainability; and WP5, policy trends. More specifically the WPs will cover the following subjects and methodologies:

WP1 (System overview of the circular bioeconomy) will provide an overall system overview of the circular bioeconomy, analyse existing visions, setting up and comparing alternative policy scenarios and conduct a foresight study on feasible development scenarios and value chains. WP1 will develop an inventory of existing waste resources and of existing Norwegian actors, a mapping of research and human resources and capabilities in the OW relevant industry, and a foresight study.

Work package leader: Antje Klitkou and Eric J. Iversen, NIFU

WP2 (Global and local value chains) will link localized (i.e. within Norway) capabilities and industrial dynamics to global resources and markets and identify how the existing value chains for bio-based products influence the sustainable value creation from waste streams. WP2 will apply a comparative case study approach.

Work package leader: Simon Bolwig, DTU

WP3 (Innovation and the evolving OW relevant industries in Norway) will analyse how diverse technologies and human resources are used by the OW industry and how financial resources and institutional factors specific to the Norwegian economy are influencing, and may in the future come to further influence, the growth of an internationally competitive and thus economically viable OW industry. WP3 will apply statistical analysis on public register and survey data.

Work package leader: Fulvio Castellacci, TIK

WP4 (Sustainability of OW value chains) will evaluate the sustainability implications of present trends and prospected future paths by combining consequential life cycle assessment (LCA) and value chain analysis of OW-based value chains in Norway and Sweden. WP4 will develop a life cycle inventory data set and will apply LCA on the empirical material in WP2, including both conventional LCA and social dimensions (SLCA).

Work package leaders: Ole Jørgen Hanssen (Østfold Research) and Pål Börjesson (LTH)

WP5 (Policy trends, complementarities and contradictions) will study the process of policy formulation and implementation for Organic Waste at different levels and sectors of governance. WP5 will carry out document analysis and case studies.

Work package leaders: Markus Bugge and Lisa Scordato (NIFU)

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